Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Green Energy And The Race To Save The Earth

Just thinking about making green energy changes to a home can be stressful to some homeowners. Find out where you should begin and compare your different options before investing in anything. Read this article for some tips on improving the energy use in your home.

If you currently use fuel oil for home heating, ask your local technician how you can switch over to biodiesel fuel. A lot of the existing systems can be modified with minimal parts or alterations. The bonus of doing this is a cleaner burning fuel that is generally also more efficient, and you'll lessen your impact on the environment also.

Use the microwave instead if you'd like to save energy. Any time you cook something on the stove or in the oven it tends to use up a ton of energy. By using the microwave, you are cutting down the amount of energy you use a great deal.

Unless cold temperatures become a real problem, it is better to keep the heat turned down. If you are feeling cold, add a layer of clothing instead of reaching for the thermostat. High heat can use too much energy.

Use lids when cooking. This will keep the heat in, which means you can turn it down some and save a good amount of energy.

Watch watt usage carefully. Use gadgets like the Watt Minder and the Kill-A-Watt so that you can discover what uses the most energy. Plug your appliances in to these devices to find out what amount of energy is required each year, month or hour to run it. With that information, you will be able to calculate how much that appliance costs to operate.

Don't stop using your ceiling fans in the winter. Warm air is pushed down when the fan is running in a clockwise rotation. The amount of electricity used by the fan is offset by energy savings you acquire by not running your heater as much.

You can remove your laptop battery and run it through AC current if you don't have to be mobile, which saves on electricity. The batteries in mobile devices use energy even when they are fully powered. Taking out the device's battery when you are using it at home not only saves money, but it extends the battery's lifespan as well.

Decrease prices on green technology by demanding access to those products. You have the right--and the power--as a consumer to ask for more environmentally friendly technologies from the companies you support. The more anything is in demand the more these types of products are sure to be manufactured, most likely reducing their price as well. It also motivates other inventors to continue the green trend by producing more items like this.

Trade out your older, tank-style water heater for a tankless model that is more green. Tankless water heaters still require power to heat the water, but they heat only the water that you want to use, rather than heating a tank of water that you're not always using. Tankless heaters can supply the entire home or certain faucets.

Replacing your boiler unit is an excellent way to save energy. The majority of older boilers weren't built to save energy, but newer models are much more energy efficient. Not only will you reduce the carbon dioxide being emitted, but your energy costs can be greatly lessened.

Be responsible about how you use lights to make your home more eco-friendly. During months with more sun, keep your lights off until it is necessary to turn them on. Install dimmers so you can reduce the amount of light being used. It is also a good idea to use sensors or timers to make sure that excess lights are not left burning after a room is empty.

Keep track of how much electricity is used in your home with a home energy monitoring device. These devices can collect real-time usage statistics and help you estimate what it is costing you. It's been proven that people are likely to reduce energy consumption if they know exactly what they are using to run specific appliances and lighting.

Take the time to clean or replace your furnace every season. Monthly checks will assure your furnace never has to work hard. If your air intakes and registers do not have filters, take the time to install them. This can prevent anything from getting caught in the ducts.

Use your microwave whenever you can reasonably use it. Ovens use much more energy than the microwave for cooking. If it is possible to microwave the item you are considering cooking, do so to reduce your energy consumption.

Create written reminders of your goals regarding energy efficiency, and compare your utility bills to those of the previous year to determine whether you are making positive steps. Keeping energy usage at the forefront of your mind can motivate you to use less energy in the long run. It can be hard at first, but once you make conserving energy a routine it will become second nature to you, and will pay off greatly on your energy bills.

Lower your water heater temperature to 120 degrees to save energy and money. This way, you can save up to ten percent on your energy bill for a four-person family. You will still get enough hot water and it will be safer for children as well.

Set your home's thermostat to 60 degrees if you are sleeping or leaving the house for several hours at a time. Setting the thermostat to 60 degrees will help cut energy usage. You can save money on your utility bills by reducing your energy consumption in this way.

Make sure you adjust thermostat settings according to the different seasons and their temperatures. During winter months, lower the thermostat and during the summer, raise it. Adjusting your settings, while also adjusting the amount of clothing you wear, can help you stay comfortable while using less energy to heat and cool your home.

Put your refrigerator in a cool place within your home. Do not install your fridge in the sun light or next to a heating vent or more energy will be used to keep your food cold.

While a lot of people think about implementing green energy choices, most do not take it further than the fleeting thought process. Use some of the ideas from the article above, and kick your green-energy efforts into high-gear

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